Production of industrial and professional stone mills for industrial mills.


Industrial production processes are increasingly required to meet a wide variety of requests from customers and thus from final consumers, who are now demanding different food products to suit today’s major changes in lifestyle.

The BioStoneMill industrial and professional electric stone mill is able to satisfy the market’s new demands.

BioStoneMill can easily be integrated in an industrial milling plant to meet demands for small quantities of wheat and grain flours with high added value.

For example, wheat, durum wheat, rye, spelt, corn, barley, rice, oats, kamut, buckwheat, etc. flours.

BioStoneMill can be included as an integral part of the industrial plant.

The same clean grain is used, divided at the entry point between B1 and BioStoneMill, deciding whether to produce, depending on the requests, an “integra” flour (containing germ, bran and various nutritional contents) or not.

“Integra” flour (containing germ, bran and various nutritional contents) is sieved and the excess of the byproduct will proceed towards the industrial mill.

It is also possible to insert Biostonemill as an independent system with dedicated cleaning.

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